Dr. Carolyn Dean is a medical doctor and naturopathic doctor on the cutting edge of the natural medicine revolution since 1979. She has two patents pending on novel health products including the iCell, the basic ingredient of RnA Drops.
RnA Drops, Living Water and The Big Picture
Dr. Carolyn Dean speaks about the origins of the iCell, the RnA Drops, the Living Water project and much more. A fascinating 10 minutes for folks who are interested in taking personal responsibility for their own relationship to our products and also how the development, manufacture and scientific documentation of the RnA Drops has been precisely recorded since DAY ONE. Plus, a guest listener shares her experience with a bonus exercise Carolyn suggests people like yourself can perform at home.
Magnesium – Unsung Hero of Health
Carolyn Dean is a medical doctor, naturopath, herbalist, acupuncturist, nutritionist, lecturer, consultant and author and co-author of over 30 books. In this interview, Dr. Dean focuses on magnesium and electrolytes, the unsung hero’s of health.
Dr. Dean reviews of magnesium functions in the body and the myriad of health benefits associated with proper magnesium absorption. She’ll also explain the relationship between magnesium, vitamin D, and calcium which may surprise many. Also included in the interview are insights gained from attending the Codex Alimentarius meetings and information about RnA Drops, Dr. Dean’s newest health strategy for impeccable cellular reproduction.
Dr. Dean website: http://www.drcarolyndean.com
Order Magnesium and other products: http://www.rnareset.com
We do not treat, diagnose, cure, or attempt to prevent disease and no advice or claims made by the customers who left us testimonials in any way indicates or suggests any implied result of using our products. Results will vary. No statements contained in any of the audio/video/written testimonials or videos posted here have been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to represent the companies listed above in any way, representing any claims of results or attempting to prevent, cure, treat, or diagnose disease.
Published on Jan 10, 2014